Reviewing, editing, and approving Gusto time tracking hours

Managers with assigned direct reports can review, edit, and approve employees’ reported hours after an admin has set up and added employees to time tracking. This needs to be completed on a desktop computer.

In order to see the Time tracking tab, this feature first needs to be enabled by your payroll administrator—reach out to your accountant if you don't see this option.

Review, edit, and approve employee's time worked

Make sure the employee is enrolled in time tracking. You can approve and edit hours at any time up until payroll for that pay period has been run. 

  • Navigate to the Time tracking tab.
  • Confirm the pay period selected is the one for review, or select the correct pay period from the drop-down.
  • Employee's total hours will appear for review. Click View timesheet for additional details about the time reported.
    • Identify notes and alerts for any changes that need to be made.
    • If an employee was assigned to a break policy, review any break policy violations, marked by a warning icon and a number next to the Break details within a shift. Click Breaks to reveal more details about the time, duration, and type of breaks the employee took. 
  • If you need to make any changes, click Edit next to the hours you wish to change.
  • Toggle to Approved when hours are confirmed. This can be done in the top right corner of the employee pay period timesheet view, or from the main page.

Important: At this time, approving hours is purely a visual-aid to identify hours that have been approved. Unapproved hours will still sync to payroll, and it's up to an admin to overwrite/correct hours that are synced.

Edit approved hours and review edit history for an employee

Edit approved hours

To revise hours that had previously been approved, but before payroll is processed, simply follow the same steps above and click Edit next to the hours you wish to change. Once hours have been processed on payroll, they cannot be edited.

Review edit history

You can view what changes have been made to an employee’s timesheets and by whom in two different ways:

  • If edit alerts are enabled, navigate to an employee’s timesheet and click View changes next to the “Edits made” alert on an individual shift.
  • View all edits made for an employee during a pay period by scrolling to the bottom of their timesheet for a given pay period and click the Version history drop-down.